1994년 르완다 학살(Rwandan Genocide) 당시 유엔평화유지군(United Nations Assistance Mission for Rwanda (UNAMIR)) 사령관으로 아프리카 르완다에 복무하였던 캐나다군 로미어 달레어르(Lieutenant-General Romo Dallaire)장군이 2003년 출간한 '악마와 악수 (Shake Hands with the Devil: The Failure of Humanity in Rwanda)'을 근간으로 제작된 다큐멘터리
Canadian Lt.
General Romeo Dallaire was the military commander of the UN mission in Rwanda and this movie is personal and, all too true, story of his time there during the genocide of 1994.
It is not quite as moving as the earlier Hotel Rwanda and is less geared to drama and emotional manipulation, but it is still grim and upsetting.